EK a USA schválili akvizíciu Thomson a Reuters
"BRUSEL 19. februára (SITA, Reuters) - Európska komisia (EK) v utorok podmienečne schválila prevzatie britskej informačnej agentúry Reuters kanadskou mediálnou skupinou Thomson."
Zo spravy agentury Reuters:
"Canadian publisher Thomson Corp. has agreed to buy Reuters (RTR.L: Quote, Profile, Research) for about 8.7 billion pounds ($17.2 billion), creating the world's leading provider of news and data for professional markets."
Z Wikipedia:
"The company operates through five segments (2007 onwards): Thomson Financial, Thomson Healthcare, Thomson Legal, Thomson Scientific, and Thomson Tax & Accounting."
Thomson Scientific (http://scientific.thomson.com/index.html) je vydavatelom databaz Current Contents, Web of Science (SCI), Journal Citation Reports, Web of Knowledge a mnohych dalsich.